Budget coach and manager

Budgetcoach and manager

You are going through a rough time. Making ends meet is a struggle. Being in  red has almost become the norm.

How can you get out of this situation? With help!

Budget coach:

• Helps you create a plan and decides what actions to take.

• You continue to manage your bank accounts.

• You remain responsible for everything.

Budget manager:

• Also known as a mentor.

• Takes care of everything: your bank accounts, insurance, etc.

• You receive an account (with a card) for your daily expenses.

• We decide together what things will be arranged.


(Family guardianship) ordered by a court.

• Designed for the care of grandparents, children or other family members.

• It is for people who CANNOT manage their own financial affairs.

• We cannot always take care of everything for that family member (we live far away or have little time).

• In that case, a guardian takes care of everything.

• This person also makes all the decisions.

• Think of parents with dementia, but also of teenagers with a disease/syndrome or disability, or who have had problems with drugs.

• The person under guardianship also receives a card from the maintenance allowance account.

• The guardian, like the budget manager, is the contact person for the bank.

Depending on your situation, we will see together what is best. What needs to be done.

The same applies to all intake interviews. What do you need to bring?

• Your latest tax return,

• your payslip with your annual statement,

• your bank statements and your insurance policies.

• Make sure you also have a good overview of all your expenses (think of internet, mobile phones, streaming services, utilities,  subscriptions, sports clubs, after-school activities, municipal taxes, cars).

• For example, print out your energy supplier contract, so we can see how much you pay or what kind of contract you have.

• You need your DigiD, so it is important that it works on your mobile phone.

• Or that you have a written authorisation with you.

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