Buying a house in Spain, emigrating, what is involved?

Emigrate or find a (second) home in Spain

Many people dream of having a second home in Spain. Going on holiday to that country is so great. What would it be like to live there? In any case, with more sun than here.

Lately you also hear that more young people are emigrating to other countries. What are they looking for there?

What do you want, where and for when?

• Are you familiar with the place?

• Do you speak Spanish? Catalan, Galician or Basque?

• Are you going with or without children?

• Children must go to school there, a system that is completely different from here.

• Few people there speak another language, such as English.

• How much do you want to spend? Are you familiar with the costs and fixed charges?

• Do you do winter sports

  • How is everything for your AOW/pension
  • And if you get sick?

Because I worked there for more than 10 years as a certified real estate agent and legal appraiser, I have the right contacts on almost the entire Spanish coast. More than 30 years living and working, I know almost the entire country and a large part of Portugal and the South of France, and of course Andorra. I am aware of the culture, the languages and the way of life.

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